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Featured profiles from Breede River Valley


46 - Ceres, Western Cape, South Africa

Eks lojaal, Baie goeie mens verhoudings en eerlik, opregtigte lewensmaat wat Hou van uitgaan en sosiaal verkeer,...


46 - De Doorns, Western Cape, South Africa

I’m looking for someone who wants to experience life to the fullest and isn’t afraid of a little adventure!


23 - Montagu, Western Cape, South Africa

I'm a very outgoing girl like to do fun things don't wanna feel so lonely anymore like to eat sing.


47 - Worcester, Western Cape, South Africa

Ek is real, maklik om mee te gesels en pret. Jonk van gees en glad nie vol drama nie. Dis my opinie dat as jy...


36 - Robertson, Western Cape, South Africa

Ek geen baie om oor mense, ek is n positiewe mens. Ek hou van sport en die natuur en is baie lief vir diere. Ek...


44 - Montagu, Western Cape, South Africa

Ive been serious, Ive been happy, Ive been hurt, Ive been sad. Now Im contempt and looking forward to my next...

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Success Stories

I met my exact match. We share same morals and principles and he loves me to bits. We are planning a future together ❤️
Kgomotso, 02 October 2024
Met my match on this site. 5 weeks later after our initial meeting, we are engaged to be married. Cant thank this site enough for assisting in overhauling my entire life. You guys are really tops. A million thank yous to all concerned. Please use this as a recommendation to others that are single and lonely. I don't care what anybody says - ONLINE DATING DOES WORK !! XX
Craig, 07 June 2024
Just to say with only 3 days left on my subscription (5 years ago in 2019) my inbox pinged with someone who I am about to get married to. ...Then as lock down hit we took the plunge to move in together. And here we are about to marry. Second time around for us both;older and wiser to life and relationships. I honestly have met the love of my life. Thank you. And for the people reading this an doubting the algorithm. Stick with it...
Kibi Wright, 23 June 2024