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Featured profiles from Northern Cape (North)


28 - Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa

Want x is bje saggeaard , lieflik en het n goeie hart ek gee baie om oor my mede mens en is baie respekvol


40 - Olifantshoek, Northern Cape, South Africa

I am a person who thrive on wanting to grow myself and would love to meet some one who would like to grow with...


38 - Kathu, Northern Cape, South Africa

Ek hou van lag, ek is lief vir movies kyk en relax as ek af is. Wil iemand hê met wie ek my lewe Kan deel


41 - Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa

Met my opgewonde en sprankelende persoonlikheid is ek greed om hierdie avontuur met jou te begin.Ek ht die...


33 - Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa

Ek is baie liefde volle persoon en hou baie van opwindende dinge soos avontuur en reis. Ek hou graag van bietjie...


39 - Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa

Ek is gemaklik, avontuurlustig het n lekker humorsin hou van lag en geniet n lekker braai kuier... Geniet...

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Success Stories

I am glad that I have met my love. He is amazing.
Mirilla, 22 July 2024
Thank you. I met the man of my life after only being on this site for 3 months. It may seem too soon..but when you know, you know. He's my perfect match in every way. So grateful to be able to spend the rest of my life with him.
Coral, 10 August 2024
I found the one I have been looking for. I am grateful and thank you for the platform.
Matobole, 28 July 2024