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Featured profiles from Southern Suburbs


39 - Southern Suburbs, Cape Town, South Africa

vir my om te weet en vir jou om uit te vind... wel, eks n baie rustige mens en plat op die grond.


46 - Southern Suburbs, Cape Town, South Africa

Ek hou van die buite lewe, kamp, hike, scuba diving, naweek wegbreek. Ek hou van bietjie kook en ek geniet n...


47 - Southern Suburbs, Cape Town, South Africa

I am this beautiful, diverse, decent African lady looking for a straight White (strictly Caucasian) male who is...


48 - Southern Suburbs, Cape Town, South Africa

Ek baie rustig en liefdevol. Ek soek n vriend wat my kan verstaan. Omgee hart.Ek gee om al het jy n storie om te...


46 - Southern Suburbs, Cape Town, South Africa

I'm just your ordinary girl next door... I love meeting new people. I love braaid. Love hanging out with friends.


49 - Southern Suburbs, Cape Town, South Africa

Im a very interesting person. I have a love for many things including sports, arts and a aspiring DIY-er. Im...

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Success Stories

I met my exact match. We share same morals and principles and he loves me to bits. We are planning a future together ❤️
Kgomotso, 02 October 2024
Thank you. I met the man of my life after only being on this site for 3 months. It may seem too soon..but when you know, you know. He's my perfect match in every way. So grateful to be able to spend the rest of my life with him.
Coral, 10 August 2024
Hello & Greetings, This is to thank you guys for helping me find the love of my life. It started in 2013 as a long-distance relationship for many years. It was after my retirement that I really found the time to concentrate on the relationship. I’m happy to announce that we are now engaged and planning to get married in April of 2024. Thank you once again to you guys, as it was called when I first joined the dating platform.....
Babatunde, 09 March 2024