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Featured profiles from Windhoek


20 - Windhoek, Namibia

I know what I want I'm loyal and straightforward Always ready to listen and understand I also enjoy watching...


25 - Windhoek, Namibia

I am a friendly, hardworking smart guy. I like cooperation, dislike racism. My hobbies are traveling, sport,...


45 - Windhoek, Namibia

I am a very nice person with a good heart please get to know me better I am not here for fun or online sex or nudes


44 - Windhoek, Namibia

I like the outdoors and like to go camping. Nature helps me to recharge. When stress knocks on my door, then I...


31 - Windhoek, Namibia

Van x n fun and exciting mens Van Hou van adventures en n nice tyd Hou van tavel n goie moeder ek sou graag en...


33 - Windhoek, Namibia

Baie positiewe mens. Altyd op vir nuwe uitdaagings. Baie spontane oomblikke om te travel na nuwe plekke....

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Success Stories

...It was December 2005. We moved in together in February 2006 and got married in April 2007. This year we celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary! It's not been easy in many respects as we've had to go through a lot of problems that were not our fault but without each other we would never have made it out in one piece. I adore him and he adores me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the part you played in our destiny.
Bennie, 21 February 2024
Thank you. I met the man of my life after only being on this site for 3 months. It may seem too soon..but when you know, you know. He's my perfect match in every way. So grateful to be able to spend the rest of my life with him.
Coral, 10 August 2024
Just to say with only 3 days left on my subscription (5 years ago in 2019) my inbox pinged with someone who I am about to get married to. ...Then as lock down hit we took the plunge to move in together. And here we are about to marry. Second time around for us both;older and wiser to life and relationships. I honestly have met the love of my life. Thank you. And for the people reading this an doubting the algorithm. Stick with it...
Kibi Wright, 23 June 2024