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Featured profiles from Brits


49 - Brits, North-West, South Africa

Ek glo nie aan ophou en gaan le nie as jy val staan op stop jouself af en gaan voort. Ek glo met alles in my dat...


38 - Brits, North-West, South Africa

Luister altyd en altyd da om te help en hou van die natuur en kqmo en vis vang kuier sam famielie en vriende


31 - Brits, North-West, South Africa

Im a Free spirited, quite ambitious but introvert someone, I like soul music, and I'm adventurous. I love kids,


44 - Brits, North-West, South Africa

Ek is n stil en liefte vol persoon. Ek hou van kos maak en saam my liefte te spandeer , ek hou van goeie gesêls...


32 - Brits, North-West, South Africa

Bubbly, i love traveling to explore new things, im an extrovert i love life. I hate lies, most refere as a hard...


39 - Brits, North-West, South Africa

Jy sal my wil leer ken want met my sal jy elke dag weet hoe ek oor jou voel en hoekom jy my so laat voel.

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Success Stories

Thank you. I met the man of my life after only being on this site for 3 months. It may seem too soon..but when you know, you know. He's my perfect match in every way. So grateful to be able to spend the rest of my life with him.
Coral, 10 August 2024
Met my match on this site. 5 weeks later after our initial meeting, we are engaged to be married. Cant thank this site enough for assisting in overhauling my entire life. You guys are really tops. A million thank yous to all concerned. Please use this as a recommendation to others that are single and lonely. I don't care what anybody says - ONLINE DATING DOES WORK !! XX
Craig, 07 June 2024
I am glad that I have met my love. He is amazing.
Mirilla, 22 July 2024