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Featured profiles from Midrand


40 - Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Very colourful personality once you get to know me...calm down to earth Nd a breath of fresh air Very respectful...


43 - Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

I am a good man with sober habits. I respect woman and their choices in life. You will not regret getting to...


30 - Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Am a GOD fearing young man hoping to fine love here i love clearness I don't drink i don't smoke i want a...


23 - Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Because I also want to know them and I'm nice . I'm a cry baby, my heart is so small I get hurt easily..I love...


25 - Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Those who know me they say I'm a simple and humble respectful and hard work girl always happy 🥹and I'm cool


49 - Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Respectfull, honest, loving and passionate. Good food, music, wine and great sex. No strings attached. Casual...

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Success Stories

...It was December 2005. We moved in together in February 2006 and got married in April 2007. This year we celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary! It's not been easy in many respects as we've had to go through a lot of problems that were not our fault but without each other we would never have made it out in one piece. I adore him and he adores me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the part you played in our destiny.
Bennie, 21 February 2024
I met my exact match. We share same morals and principles and he loves me to bits. We are planning a future together ❤️
Kgomotso, 02 October 2024
Met my match on this site. 5 weeks later after our initial meeting, we are engaged to be married. Cant thank this site enough for assisting in overhauling my entire life. You guys are really tops. A million thank yous to all concerned. Please use this as a recommendation to others that are single and lonely. I don't care what anybody says - ONLINE DATING DOES WORK !! XX
Craig, 07 June 2024