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Featured profiles from Kempton Park


42 - Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa

Leer my ken en besluit self. Ek glo dis die enigste manier hoe n mens n ander leer ken. Wie sal waag sal wen.


35 - Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa

Vat my vir wie ek is moenie agter my geld aan wees nie sy moet saam my dans as ek haar hand vat sy moet kan...


45 - Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa

Ek is spontaan, n goeie sin van humor. My familie is baie belangrik vir my. Ek wil nie speletjies speel nie.


46 - Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa

Hi! Vir lank het ek nie geweet hoe om die lewe te geniet nie. Dis nou tyd en ek het hulp nodig 😜


29 - Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa

Ek is n besonderse man en doen ekstra vir die een waarvoor ek lief is. Ek is in die aviation bedryf en hou van...


44 - Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa

Eks rustig, ek hou van tyd saam spandeer as heeltyd uitgan net, uitgan is lekker natuurlik maar nie elke naweek...

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Success Stories

Hello & Greetings, This is to thank you guys for helping me find the love of my life. It started in 2013 as a long-distance relationship for many years. It was after my retirement that I really found the time to concentrate on the relationship. I’m happy to announce that we are now engaged and planning to get married in April of 2024. Thank you once again to you guys, as it was called when I first joined the dating platform.....
Babatunde, 09 March 2024
I found the one I have been looking for. I am grateful and thank you for the platform.
Matobole, 28 July 2024
...It was December 2005. We moved in together in February 2006 and got married in April 2007. This year we celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary! It's not been easy in many respects as we've had to go through a lot of problems that were not our fault but without each other we would never have made it out in one piece. I adore him and he adores me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the part you played in our destiny.
Bennie, 21 February 2024