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Featured profiles from Modimolle (Nylstroom)


38 - Modimolle (Nylstroom), Limpopo, South Africa

Wees dankbaar vir wat jy het en lewe die lewe volheid. Mens weet nooit wat more inhou nie so maak die beste van...


39 - Modimolle (Nylstroom), Limpopo, South Africa

Ek is iemand wat diep liefhet, my tyd en aandag bestee, omgee en opbou. Ek glo God sit ons deur lesse in ons...


36 - Modimolle (Nylstroom), Limpopo, South Africa

Ek is baie vriendelik en het n goeie humorsin. Sal die liefde van my kewe opi hande dra en seker maak, sy word...


39 - Modimolle (Nylstroom), Limpopo, South Africa

Am shy but very loving person Very talkative wen am. Comfortably around you And i ready to settle down to the...


40 - Modimolle (Nylstroom), Limpopo, South Africa

Ek is n baie fun persoon en ek is n bok vir sport. Ek hou van die buite lewe, maar ook Netflix en popcorn....


40 - Modimolle (Nylstroom), Limpopo, South Africa

Ek is nie n groot uitgaan mens nie. Sal my naweke sport omkyk en met my kinders tyd spandeer asook my honde....

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Success Stories

Hello & Greetings, This is to thank you guys for helping me find the love of my life. It started in 2013 as a long-distance relationship for many years. It was after my retirement that I really found the time to concentrate on the relationship. I’m happy to announce that we are now engaged and planning to get married in April of 2024. Thank you once again to you guys, as it was called when I first joined the dating platform.....
Babatunde, 09 March 2024
Met my match on this site. 5 weeks later after our initial meeting, we are engaged to be married. Cant thank this site enough for assisting in overhauling my entire life. You guys are really tops. A million thank yous to all concerned. Please use this as a recommendation to others that are single and lonely. I don't care what anybody says - ONLINE DATING DOES WORK !! XX
Craig, 07 June 2024
I found the one I have been looking for. I am grateful and thank you for the platform.
Matobole, 28 July 2024